Beautiful Small Cottage With Unique Interior And Exterior Accents
Building small cottage is not always built in simple design. You can build it into the unique design that will make your cottage become wonderful views. The unique design of the cottage built in small size can be seen in Balmain, Sidney. It is one of the cities that were located in South Wales, Australia. This house is built by designer Innovarchi. This project is well known as the Extension to A Small Cottage. This cottage is built in complex design.
The facade of the looks small cottage plans is built in unique design. The unique design of this house can be seen from the model of this house. The wall of this house is made in unique design. The wall of this house is sloping form.
The exterior wall is made in square form using vertical size. The building of this house is also built in long shape. Beside it, the roof of this house is also made in unique design. The roof is made in combination some designs. It is made in triangle shape.
The bright interior and exterior is also used in this cottage design. The bright exterior can be look from the wall exterior. The brown color is used in this wall. At the interior design, the bright color can be look from the furniture used. The lamps are used in this design to improving the lighting of this house. The shiny furniture such as chairs, table, and cabinet are also used in this house.
The combination of the unique design of the exterior design of the wall model is suitable with the bright interior used in this house. The explanation above can be your reference if you will be builds a cottage in small design but still using unique design. Determining cottage designs floor plans is also important to make your room look bright too.