Unique Desk Designs Ideas For Spacious Office Room
The unique desk furniture can be seen at the project of hybrid desk which is combined by conference table. This table is designed by Jovo Bozhinovski. This table is used in company in Bulgaria. This is used not only to save the file but also as the meeting table. The table is made with contemporary style. This modern table is suitable used in the spacious office room. This table does not used foot.
The design of this desk and table is matching with the white office room. The walls in this office room are painted in white color. The color of the ceilings is white. The floors are made of white tiles and also black tiles.
The black color accents applies in this table is matching with the white room. There are some black chairs put in the left side and the right side of the table. At the second picture, we can see that the shape of the table is square. The unique desk designs are very complex. There is a black chair furniture put near the desk.
There are two materials to make this combinations desk and table. This desk is made of glass material. The color of the glass material is dark black color. The other material used in this desk is metal material. The metal material is used as the frame of the glass material. The color of the metal material is black color. At the fifth picture, we can see the detail of the desk and table. The table is made in square design. Meanwhile, the desk is made with intricate shapes.
To make this meeting room looks elegant, there are some walls painted in black color. There are also some plants which are planted on the square pot in black color. Each pot is put in the corner of the room. There are also some built- in lamps put on the ceiling as the lighting. The using of the unusual desk designs in this meeting room makes the room looks beautiful.
Image By : Jovo Bozhinovski